Journal Policy
Journal Objectives:
The journal aims to contribute to achieving sustainable development at the national level following the objectives of the National Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation through the knowledge industry, and enriching the stock of science and innovation, particularly through the following:
- Providing the opportunity for distinguished researchers to publish their research papers.
- Introducing the beneficiaries to applicable development research.
- Raising the level of scientific research.
- Introducing society and the business sector to the latest developments in science and innovation.
Journal interests:
The journal is interested in publishing topics in the following fields:
- Scientific research papers that present new and advanced proposals and results of interest to researchers and specialists in all research fields
- Scientific research papers in priority fields of hybrid sciences, between and across disciplines.
- Opinion articles on the latest research and recently published scientific books.
- Perspectives about science development in a specific field and its implications for the necessary transformations in education and scientific research.
- Highlights on new patents and technology news that benefit and contribute to the sustainable development of society.
Terms of publication in the Journal:
Authors must meet the following criteria:
- Lead or co-authors have other contributions to the subject under publication and have experience in the same field
- Lead and co-authors of the manuscript are responsible for the rightness and accuracy of all information included in and the names of the participants in it, according to their contributions in it.
- The basic data and information provided in the manuscript belong to the authors, and they are not borrowed from other sources.
- The authors adhere to the standards of transparency and scientific research ethics, they are also responsible for all aspects of the manuscript to ensure that any question of accuracy or integrity is adequately answered, discussed, and resolved.
- The approval of publishing the manuscript shall be attached by all co-authors to the manuscript, and all data and statistics included in it should be available for readers to build upon in the future.
- The authors pledge that their manuscript has not been published in any journal before, and is not understudied in any other journal. Note: Publishing the manuscript online is a form of publishing.
- The authors provide the journal with their contact information.
General Criteria for Manuscript:
- The manuscript should have results and a summary that has not been previously published or submitted to any other journal.
- It should be of great scientific importance, and its data is accurate.
- To be of interest to a wide range of multidisciplinary readers.
- It must be provided with the live signature (or electronic consent via email) of all authors and their consent for the content and the order of the authors' names. The lead author is responsible for making the manuscript accessible to all team members before submission to the journal.
- The data contained therein should match the criteria of transparency and originality.
- The data and information mentioned in it should be extracted using the best techniques and can be confirmed by repeating the experiments mentioned in the body of the manuscript.
- It is the responsibility of the lead author that any modifications to the research paper after its submission must be approved by all co-authors. In addition, the journal must be informed of any modification or addition to the research paper team.